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Case Studies | July 10, 2009

Getting to Market

From Agriculture to Agroenterprise

This collection of case studies describes how CRS and its partners worked with farmers and other stakeholders in Africa, India, Latin America, and Southeast Asia over the course of five years to develop agricultural business enterprises.

Each case focuses on a specific stage in the agroenterprise development process, and together they build a comprehensive outline of how to go about helping farmers enter and compete in agricultural markets. Introductory and concluding essays describe the "learning alliance" process, synthesize the lessons learned and map out a strategy for future work.


  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • List of Contributors
  • Writeshop Staff
  • 1. From Agriculture to Agroenterprise
  • 2. The Agroenterprise Cycle
  • 3. Choosing an Entry Point
  • 4. Gender in Agroenterprise
  • 5. Step 1: Get Organized
  • 6. Step 2: Enterprise Design
  • 7. Step 3: Marketing
  • 8. Step 4: Scaling Up
  • 9. Step 5: Learning and Sharing
  • 10. Conclusions and Way Forward
  • 11. Resources